Repairing Damaged Countertops

Repairing Damaged Countertops

A top search in the kitchen repair category is whether or not damaged countertops can be repaired. Kitchen countertops sustain a variety of damages in a number of ways, after all they are used frequently by every member of the family. The damage may be simple like a tiny scratch or it could be the result of a too hot pan inadvertently set on the counter or maybe your countertop was chipped or gouged when something heavy was accidentally dropped. In some cases, stained, worn, and damaged countertops can be repaired, restored, or renewed, and at other times, the best choice is replacement of your existing countertop. Let’s explore the best options for your damaged countertops and initiate the plan to restore the beauty and functionality of your space.

Solid Surface Countertops

One of the easiest countertop surfaces to repair is solid surface countertops. Most popular in the 80s, solid surface repairs and refinishing can restore a like-new appearance to these countertops with minimal costs. Solid Surface countertops are seamless, made of a durable acrylic polymer, but they too can be damaged, cracked, chipped, and gouged over time. In fact, it is so durable and easily repaired that even when homeowners opt to replace their solid surface countertops in the kitchen, they refinish and relocate them to other areas of the home.

Avantstone – A Countertop Makeover

For more extensive repairs, Avantstone, a composite surface material, can be customized and applied over damaged surfaces such as solid surface, tile, or laminate. Avantstone is available in many color options and appearances from glossy to satin and can even mimic the granite. The process of installing Avantstone requires several days, as the liquid substance is applied and must cure for 48 hours. Avantstone is popular because of the low cost compared to granite or quartz, plus the process means no seams, thus preventing potential moisture damage. In addition, the surface is heat and chemical resistant and can be subsequently repaired as needed.

Granite Countertops

Granite countertops are quite durable, but they can still get scratched or dinged. For small scratches or dings, a color matching epoxy or resin can be used to make repairs. Following the application, the epoxy or resin should dry completely before sanding and resealing. For larger areas of damage, you will want to call on a trusted professional to make the repairs. Taking care of your granite countertops by polishing and resealing as need will keep the surface restored and looking beautiful for the life of the granite which is often 15 years or more.

When Repair is Not an Option

There comes a time in every kitchen when repair is not an option for your countertops. It may come when you want a completely new design, when your current countertops are no longer functioning optimally, or when they are damaged irreparably and cannot be maintained. Depending on your existing countertop material, it may mean deep cracks, scorched areas, stains, water damage, numerous pits and gouges, knife cuts, or outdated style.

When choosing new kitchen countertops, do your research to narrow your choices among materials which will work best for your space and style. You want to choose your new countertops for function as well as beauty, but you also want a surface that can handle your cooking style and requires little maintenance to function optimally. Once you have narrowed your choices, do a drawing of your existing countertops and measure carefully, as doing so will help you when comparing costs of your chosen countertop materials. You will also want to ensure your existing cabinets can support the weight of your replacement countertops especially if you chose weightier options like natural stone or concrete.

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